We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow

World Metrology Day 2024 Events

Below is the list of the 2024 World Metrology Day events we have been notified of.

To request publication of your event, please e-mail us a brief summary in Word, your logo, and any other relevant information. To view last year's events, please click here.

General Directorate of Metrology (DPM) logo

General Directorate of Metrology (DPM)

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 13:20 UTC+2

Albania Commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

In celebration of World Metrology Day 2024 in Albania, the General Directorate of Metrology (DPM) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) are pleased to announce two enlightening workshops to be held in Korça and Tirana. These workshops are designed to educate stakeholders from various sectors, including public, private, and academic, as well as SMEs and testing laboratories, about the profound importance of metrology in the context of sustainable agriculture and trade.

Our main objective is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by showcasing how metrology underpins sustainability in agriculture and trade. Through interactive presentations and workshops, we will illustrate how precise measurements support every stage of agricultural production, from cultivation to distribution, ensuring adherence to quality and safety standards crucial for sustainable development and trade practices.

By highlighting the nexus between metrology, sustainability, and trade, our aim is to empower stakeholders with the requisite knowledge and tools to promote environmentally conscious practices and contribute to a more sustainable agricultural sector in Albania.

Following the workshop in Tirana, attendees will have the opportunity to visit the state-of-the-art laboratories at DPM, further enhancing their understanding of metrology's role in agricultural innovation, sustainability, and trade.

Detailed information can be found here.

General Directorate of Metrology (DPM) logo

General Directorate of Metrology (DPM)

Posted: 2024-05-22 @ 10:10 UTC+2

Bahrain National Metrology Laboratory celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Bahrain Testing and Metrology Directorate (BTMD) in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce celebrated World Metrology Day on 20th May, 2024 under the slogan "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow".

BTMD works to support the national sustainability plans and the achievements show that (see here). The celebration was held on the radio to convey the contributions of metrology to achieving the sustainable development goals (see here).



Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:55 UTC+2

Brazil celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

In Brazil, World Metrology Day will be celebrated at Inmetro, the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology.

Two events will take place at the Inmetro Campus and will commemorate World Metrology Day on 20 May and 28 May 2024, with panel discussions and presentations focused on the role of metrology in sustainability. The participants will promote a debate covering topics such as metrology, decarbonization, renewable energy, low emission hydrogen, and greenhouse effect.

These events will be held in Portuguese. The live broadcast will take place on the Inmetro YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/live/dKOkGSumooM

European Association of National Metrology Institutes logo

European Association of National Metrology Institutes

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 14:20 UTC+2

EURAMET and World Metrology Day 2024

To mark this year’s World Metrology Day theme – Sustainability – the European Association of National Metrology Institutes highlights past and recent achievements in various sustainability-relevant areas.

Notably, EURAMET supports the transition towards more sustainable practices by developing the necessary metrological tools through its Technical Committees, European Metrology Networks, and research programs, including the Metrology Partnership.

From environmental monitoring to renewable energies and green building, the European metrology community has conducted extensive research to address challenges in these and related fields on the path to a sustainable present and future.

Through accurate measurements and innovative solutions, EURAMET is advancing scientific and technological progress, contributing to both regional and global sustainability goals.

Explore the EURAMET sustainability theme pages here: World Metrology Day 2024 (euramet.org)


National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) logo

National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN)

Posted: 2024-03-19 @ 08:50 UTC+1

Indonesia celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Welcoming the commemoration of World Metrology Day in 2024, the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN), as the National Metrology Institution of Indonesia, is preparing a series of activities related to WMD. BSN is planning to organize the event in collaboration with the Directorate of Metrology of the Ministry of Trade (Ditmet Kemendag), which is responsible for legal metrology activities in Indonesia.

A National Seminar will be held on May 20, 2024, under the theme "Strengthening Metrology Infrastructure to Accelerate Inclusive and Sustainable Economic and Environmental Transformation." During this event, BSN will discuss the role of quality infrastructure, consisting of standardization, conformity assessment, and metrology, in supporting sustainable living. Ditmet Kemendag will present how legal metrology contributes to inclusive, environmentally conscious, and sustainable trade. This event will also be supported by the National Standardization and Industrial Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, which will discuss the role of metrology in supporting green industries.

Moreover, BSN and Ditmet Kemendag are organizing a competition for the design of measuring instruments to be attended by secondary school students (high school/vocational high school/Madrasah Aaliyah). This competition aims to raise awareness of the importance of metrology from an early age. Because we believe that to design a sustainable future, we need to involve the younger generation who will eventually become our successors.

Lastly, a call for papers was also held to provide an opportunity for all practitioners in the field of metrology to write scientific articles within the scope of metrology. The best papers will be published in the BSN instrumentation journal.


Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) logo

Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ)

Posted: 2024-05-28 @ 07:00 UTC+2

Students Explore BSJ's world class laboratories on World Metrology Day

In an activity highlighting the importance of precision measurement to sustainable measurement, the Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) hosted a dynamic educational event on Monday 20 May 2024, in observance of World Metrology Day. The theme for this year’s celebration, “We Measure Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow,” underscored the vital role of metrology in ensuring sustainable progress and innovation.

Select Grade 9 and 10 students from six high schools were given the opportunity to tour state-of-the-art metrology laboratories at the BSJ. The tour provided the students with an in-depth look at the critical work done in Mass Metrology, Flow & Volume, Force & Pressure, and Dimensional Metrology Laboratories, as well as Temperature Metrology, Electricity and Time & Frequency Laboratories.

During their visit, the students expressed their sincere appreciation for the detailed and informative tours. They gained firsthand insights into the precision and accuracy required in metrology work, which is essential for ensuring quality and consistency in manufacturing, healthcare, environmental monitoring, and various other sectors.

The activity also included interactive sessions where students engaged with BSJ engineers and other staff members. These interactions provided valuable information on career opportunities in metrology and the qualifications needed to pursue such paths. Students were eager to learn about the various roles within the field and the significant impact these positions have on innovation and sustainability.

Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) logo

Korea (Rep.)
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)

Posted: 2024-05-14 @ 20:45 UTC+2

Korea Commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science is hosting an event on Monday, May 20, 2024, to celebrate World Metrology Day.

The theme for this year is "We measure today for a Sustainable tomorrow."

Guests are invited to attend the event from 10:30 to 12:00 (GMT+9) at KRISS in Daejeon, Korea.

This event includes an introduction to our activities related to measurement for sustainability and an invited talk on monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and predicting future climates.

Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology (MASM) logo

Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology (MASM)

Posted: 2024-05-24 @ 11:20 UTC+2

Mongolia celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

The Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology (MASM) organized a workshop under the theme "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" on Monday, 20 May 2024. This workshop discussed the topics of sustainability and metrology, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and building heat loss, energy role in sustainability, and measurement of distance meters and LPG. MASM invited all interested participants – Deputy Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia, the Ministry of Energy, the Mongolian Academy of Science, entities and organizations engaged in metrology services.

Branch offices in 21 provinces of MASM organized an open day in the region to disseminate and promote metrology knowledge to users, provide advice and information, introduce the activities of the laboratories, and conduct an event to study experience between entities engaged in metrology activities.

Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL) logo

New Zealand
Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL)

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 14:40 UTC+2

New Zealand celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

The Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL) is hosting a hybrid event on Friday 24 May 2024 to celebrate World Metrology Day.

This year, the theme is Sustainability the numerous measurement opportunities that contribute to the establishment of a sustainable global economy. Guests are invited to attend the event at MSL's laboratories in Wellington, New Zealand. Alternatively, guests can attend the morning sessions online.

More information about the event and registration page can be found on the MSL website here, including an interesting infographic on 'Measurement in Daily Life' produced by MSL (New Zealand).  




Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 09:15 UTC+2

Panama celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Two events are being organized in Panama to commemorate WMD 2024 - more information can be found here.

We will have a two-day OPEN HOUSE, where we expect to have close to 200 visitors from Academia, Government, and Industry at the NMI, on May 20 and 21.

There will also be a Morning Forum on May 22 (Online via YouTube and 150 people seated) where we will have six presentations on Metrology and Sustainability, in which we will focus on three main areas: the environment, energy, and water sustainability.

Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology logo

Russian Federation
Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 14:40 UTC+2

World Metrology Day 2024 in the Russian Federation

To mark the proclaimed by UNESCO May 20th as the World Metrology Day the metrology community of the Russian Federation led by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart) in collaboration with the NMIs is going to organize a series of events on May 18-20, 2024, which are going to be held at the frequently visited and favourite place of Muscovites and guests of the capital ‒ the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements (VDNKh). Dedicated to the theme of sustainability the WMD-2024 encourages to highlight metrology’s value for quality of people’s lives. Among the planned measures are public lectures and discussions on the requirements for water meters for measuring cold and potable water, quality control of petrol (gasoline), and others. Since these issues concern, and are of interest for, the most part of society, these discussions may have a kind of training or educational importance. Today artificial intelligence is no doubt a burning issue. AI is in the focus of another WMD-event named “How to build trust in artificial intelligence”. For a dynamic and inquisitive audience ‒ young people ‒ the Rosstandart is offering a Quest named “Young metrologist”.

Besides, the Rosstandart management is going to hold a one-day roundtable, inviting metrologists from the regions, to share and discuss the directions and priority tasks of metrology development in the country.

SASO logo

Saudi Arabia

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 09:55 UTC+2

SASO celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

SASO will organize a major celebration of World Metrology Day 2024 on Monday, 20 May 2024.

The ceremony will take place under the patronship of His Excellency the Minister of Commerce and Chairman of the SASO Board of Directors, and in partnership with a number of governmental and private organizations.

There will be four virtual workshops that will be held on Sunday, 19 May 2024 as part of the celebration, and two other physical events held in Dammam and Jeddah Headquarters of SASO on 21 May 2024.

Venue: The celebration will be held in the SASO main building (main ceremonies hall).

Time: Monday, 20 May 2024, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Theme (main event on 20 May): Two sessions plus an exhibition.

Link to the live event: Click here.

For further information, please refer to this PDF file.

To register, please click here.

Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals logo

Serbia, Republic of
Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals

Posted: 2024-06-17 @ 10:05 UTC+2

Republic of Serbia Commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

The National Metrology Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Directorate for Measurements and Precious Metals (DMDM), celebrated World Metrology Day in the most beautiful oasis of the city of Belgrade, the Botanical Garden "Jevremovac", on Monday, 20 May 2024.

Cedomir Belic, Director of DMDM, opened the meeting by greeting the attendees and pointing out that this year is particularly significant. During the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, the annual observance of May 20 as World Metrology Day was officially recognized. This recognition opens up new approaches for the promotion of metrology, aligning with UNESCO’s mission to build a better world through science and education.

The panel discussion on the topic "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" was introduced by the moderator Marina Radojevic, quality management representative at DMDM. The panelists were PhD Vladimir Djurdjevic - Faculty of Physics, PhD Ana Vukovic Vimic - Faculty of Agriculture, PhD Tomica Misljenovic - Faculty of Biology and PhD  Dusan Matijasevic, metrologist in the Group for Electrical Measurements in DMDM.

Participants in the panel discussion emphasized the importance of metrology in the 21st century, considering all the challenges that await us due to climate changes. Some of these challenges include global warming, the occurrence of extreme weather events, as well as the impact of air pollution. The focus is on the development and application of clean energy sources in the future.

After the panel discussion, a cocktail party was organised for all guests in the pleasant surroundings of the Botanical Garden with musical performances by the string quartet in the background.  A guided tour of the Botanical Garden was also arranged for the guests.

As part of World Metrology Day, DMDM ​​hosted students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Belgrade. Students were introduced to the importance of metrology, as a science of measurements. Measurements are  present in all areas of human activity. The main role of metrology is to ensure the metrological traceability at the international level and to point out the long tradition of metrology in Serbia.>
Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM) logo

Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM)

Posted: 2024-03-21 @ 09:20 UTC+1

Spain celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

To celebrate World Metrology Day 2024, the Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM) is organizing a hybrid workshop (in Spanish) focusing on metrology and sustainability.

Various aspects will be presented related to sustainability, in which metrology plays an important role concerning for example the environment or food. In addition, the importance of standardized and traceable measurements will be considered in ensuring the credibility of information on sustainability.

After the workshop there will be the possibility to visit some of the CEM laboratories and the museum where a pre-metric collection of Spanish weights and measures is on display.

Detailed information can be found here.

Mettler-Toledo logo


Posted: 2024-04-24 @ 11:25 UTC+2

Online Event: World Metrology Day Live Webinars and Trainings

At Mettler-Toledo we are holding a two-day online event on 21-22nd May, with training sessions, keynote speeches and a roundtable discussion, in celebration of World Metrology Day.

The link for registration for the event is Metrology Day 2024 | Free Live Webinars and Trainings | Register Now! (mt.com).

Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) logo

Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS)

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:45 UTC+2

World Metrology Day in Trinidad and Tobago

In celebration of WMD, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) will host a face to face symposium celebrating this year’s theme We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow.

Representatives from government, private sector and consultants have already registered to attend this event. The symposium will feature special remarks from the Trinidad and Tobago UNESCO Office, the Minister of Trade, and will conclude with two panel discussions on aspects of the theme by industry and government.

Middleeast Calibration Lab LLC logo

United Arab Emirates
Middleeast Calibration Lab LLC

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 11:30 UTC+2

Middleeast Calibration Lab LLC - World Metrology Day 2024

Date: May 20, 2024
Event Duration: 4 hours

09:00 AM – 09:30 AM:
Welcome Address & Introduction to World Metrology Day and Theme Explanation
Presented by: Mr. Harikumar Nandakumar [Sales Head (Calibration& Metrology Product)]

Session 2:
9:30 AM – 10:20 AM
Metrology and Sustainable Development:
Role of Metrology in Sustainable Development
Case studies: How metrology has contributed to sustainable practices in various industries
Panel discussion: Challenges and opportunities in implementing metrology for sustainability
Presented by: Mr. Hari C Gopinathan(Quality Manager)

Session 3: 10:20 AM – 11:15 AM
Innovations in Measurement Technologies:
Emerging measurement technologies for sustainable solutions
Live demonstrations of innovative measurement instruments and tools
Presented by: Mr Rajeesh Kumar (Laboratory Manager)

Session 4: 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Metrology in practice: Industry perspectives:
Industry Spotlight: How leading companies are leveraging metrology for sustainability
Presented by: Mr Vijesh (Sr. Calibration Engineer)
Q&A Session: Employees & trainees interaction with metrology experts

Break (20 Minutes)

Session 4: 12:20 PM – 1:00 PM
Closing ceremony
Summary of key takeaways from the day
Recognition of speakers and contributors
Closing remarks and invitation to future events

Note: Each session includes time for audience engagement through Q&A sessions or interactive discussions.

TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory logo

United Kingdom
TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 14:00 UTC+2

TÜV SÜD WMD Webinar - ‘Ask the Experts’

TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory is the UK’s Designated Institute for Flow Measurement, under contract from DSIT, and part of the UK’s National Measurement System. To celebrate World Metrology Day, TÜV SÜD is pleased to present this special webinar where attendees can ‘Ask the Experts’ about Fluid Flow Metrology.

Further information can be found here.

Uzbek National Institute of Metrology logo

Uzbek National Institute of Metrology

Posted: 2024-03-12 @ 15:02 UTC+1

Uzbekistan celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2024, the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology (UzNIM) is planning a series of events.

Events dedicated to World Metrology Day are aimed to unite the UzNIM, its regional branches, scientific and educational organizations, production and private sectors in one platform.

It is planned to provide information on the role of metrology in quality control, to inform about the extended calibration and measurement capabilities of UzNIM, and the need to introduce digital technologies into metrological activities that improve processes and open new opportunities.

This year is a significant date for metrology in Uzbekistan - 100 years of metrological activity in Uzbekistan - in celebration of which the UzNIM plans to hold a conference inviting leading experts from international and regional metrological organizations and national metrological institutes.

For more information, please visit: www.nim.uz

O‘zbekistonda 2024-yil Butunjahon metrologiya kuni nishonlanadi

2024-yilgi Butunjahon metrologiya kuni munosabati bilan O‘zbekiston milliy metrologiya instituti (O‘zMMI) bir qator tadbirlar o‘tkazishni rejalashtirmoqda.

Ushbu tadbirlarda O‘zMMI, uning hududiy filiallari, fan va taʼlim tashkilotlari, ishlab chiqarish hamda xususiy sektorni bir davraga birlashtirish nazarda tutilmoqda.

Bunda, sifatni nazorat qilishda metrologiyaning o‘rni, O‘zMMI kengaytirilgan kalibrlash va o‘lchash imkoniyatlari, metrologiya faoliyatida jarayonlarni takomillashtirishga va yangi imkoniyatlarni ochishga imkon beruvchi raqamli texnoogiyalarni joriy etish zaruriyati toʻgʻrisida maʼlumot berish rejalashtirilgan.

Bu yil Oʻzbekiston metrologiyasi uchun muhim sana boʻlib – Oʻzbekistonda metrologiya faoliyatiga 100 yil t‘oldi, ushbu sana munosabati bilan OʻzMMI xalqaro va mintaqaviy metrologiya tashkilotlari hamda milliy metrologiya institutlarining yetakchi ekspertlarini taklif etgan holda konferensiya oʻtkazishni rejalashtirmoqda.

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlar olish uchun www.nim.uz ga kirishingiz mumkin.

Azerbaijan Metrology Institute logo

Azerbaijan Metrology Institute

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:40 UTC+2

Celebration of World Metrology Day 2024 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Every year World Metrology Day is celebrated in the Republic of Azerbaijan. “The Azerbaijan Metrology Institute” public legal entity will organize a National Metrology Forum on 20 May 2024 in Baku for the declaration of the benefits of this year’s dedicated topic “We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow”. The main goals of the forum are to inform about ensuring uniformity of measurements, demonstrating the current status of measurements, and the importance of metrological assurance for the business in the country.

Guests from the public and private sectors, representatives from higher education institutions and universities, the head of TÜBİTAK UME, as well as experts from the Azerbaijan Institute of Metrology, will deliver speeches about the role of metrology in sustainable economic and industrial development.

 Institute of Metrology IMBIH logo

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute of Metrology IMBIH

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 11:10 UTC+2

Bosnia and Herzegovina: IMBIH organizes training on 20 May 2024 on the topic: Estimation of measurement uncertainty

The Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBIH), on the occasion of the celebration of the World Metrology Day, organizes training on the topic: Estimation of measurement uncertainty with the aim of transferring knowledge and metrology expertise, which has been confirmed through the published calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC) of the IMBIH laboratories in the BIPM KCDB (Key Comparisons Database in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) and through participation in numerous scientific research projects within the EURAMET organization: EMRP (European Metrology Research Program), EMPIR (European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research) and EPM (European Metrology Partnership).

The topic of World Metrology Day 2024, which is celebrated on May 20, is: "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow", and we can use the symbolism and say with certainty "We transfer knowledge for a sustainable tomorrow".

Professional training contributes to the understanding of the importance and application of metrology, as well as the transfer of knowledge about metrology concepts, units and analysis of the measurement results.

For the upcoming period, IMBIH will organize a series of trainings with the objective of transferring the latest knowledge in metrology to the academic and industrial community, as well as specific professional training/consultation services aimed at developing the industry.
The goal of organizing trainings is to improve the metrology system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the area of legal, scientific and industrial metrology, to improve the field of calibration, verification, validation of test methods, data processing and estimation of measurement uncertainty of test results, application of the requirements of the BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for testing and calibration laboratories and the BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard for inspection bodies that perform the verification of measuring instruments in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Venue: Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Branilaca Sarajeva 25, Sarajevo
Date: May 20, 2024
Event time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

You can download the Training Agenda: Estimation of measurement uncertainty here.

It is necessary to fill out the Application Form and send it by email to: info[at]met.gov.ba or via fax: 033 568 909, by May 10, 2024.

After this deadline, you will be informed that your application has been accepted for the training on May 20, 2024 and a proforma invoice for the payment for the participation will be sent to your address.

 Institute of Metrology IMBIH logo

Institute of Metrology IMBIH

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 11:15 UTC+2

Bulgaria celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

To celebrate this year's event, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology (BIM), the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance (SAMTS) and the Union of Metrologists in Bulgaria (UMB) under the Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions will organize an OPEN DAY.

BIM, UMB and DAMTN will invite representatives of all interested parties - the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization, calibration and/or testing laboratories, the Technical University of Sofia, the Bulgarian Accreditation Service, as well as former colleagues engaged in metrology activities, manufacturers of measuring instruments, etc.

During the event, the invitees will have the opportunity to visit the national standard laboratories, as well as the laboratories for testing, verification and metrological expertise of measuring instruments.

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) and GULFMet logo

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) and GULFMet

Posted: 2024-05-24 @ 17:15 UTC+2

GCC commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

The GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) and GULFMet organized the Second Symposium for standardization ambassadors under the title The Role of Standardization in Consumer Safety in Riyadh on 20 May, 2024.

The organization of the Symposium coincided with the annual celebration of World Metrology Day, which falls on 20 May each year, and this year it came under the slogan “We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow.”

The symposium activities included a lecture entitled The Role of Standardization in Consumer Safety presented by Dr. Zaki Al-Rubai, Head of Marketing and International Relations Section, in addition to a lecture entitled The Importance of Standards in Our Daily Lives presented by Eng. Abdulelah Al-Qarnas, head of the Metrology Section.

On the sidelines of the Symposium, a celebration was held to celebrate World Metrology Day 2024, for all participants in the event and GSO team members.

The symposium aimed to contribute to spreading the culture of standardization and increasing awareness of its importance, in addition to contributing to building cognitive capabilities in various fields of standardization, as well as enhancing communication with standardization ambassadors in order to achieve the desired goals.

It is worth noting that the GSO launched the Standardization Ambassadors initiative in March 2022, which is a voluntary initiative aimed at activating community participation in standardization activities, conveying the GSO’s message and spreading the culture of standardization importance, as well as contributing to disseminating the GSO’s awareness programs, in addition to building the Knowledge and capabilities of initiative’ members in the field of standardization.

Click here for photos.

INRiM logo


Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 09:05 UTC+2

INRiM celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Monday May 20 is World Metrology Day.

For the occasion, on May 20 at 09:00 am CEST, INRiM, in its role as the National Metrology Institute of Italy, is organizing the conference "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" with the aim of presenting the contribution of metrology in support of agrifood, environmental and climate sustainability. Institution, researchers and sector experts will participate during the conference, presenting the following talks:

  • How metrology can support climate and ocean observation;
  • Greenhouse gas reduction and monitoring: metrology in countering anthropogenic climate change;
  • Analytical chemistry for a sustainable future;
  • Metrology for food safety and sustainability.
For further information: Please click here.


Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology logo

Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology

Posted: 2024-05-20 @ 09:15 UTC+2

International Online Conference in Kazakhstan: Metrology in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

20 May 2024 –14.00 – Astana, Kazakhstan

In honor of the celebration of World Metrology Day, an International Online Conference on the topic of Metrology will be held. The event is organized by the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology.

The theme of the conference relates to metrology in the UN Sustainable Development Goals - the role of applied metrology in the implementation of the SDGs; approaches to sustainable development; examples of the implementation of a number of SDGs.

The objective of the conference is to discuss topical issues for the SDGs, as well as the contribution of metrology to the achievement of the UN SDGs.

Heads and representatives of international, regional and national organizations on standardization and metrology, Kazakhstan and foreign scientists, teachers of scientific institutions in the field of metrology are invited to participate.

Download the program

We invite all interested persons and organizations to join us and to participate in this year's event via Zoom: Click here.

Metrology For All logo

Metrology For All
Metrology For All

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 11:30 UTC+2

MFA Activities for World Metrology Day on Wednesday 22 May 2024

To celebrate World Metrology Day 2024, we have planned several exciting activities that highlight the importance of accurate measurements in building a sustainable future. Here are the key events:

Interactive Session with Students at Olives Center, Mombasa, Kenya

We are excited to host an interactive session with students at the Olives Center in Mombasa, Kenya. This session aims to engage young minds and educate them about the significance of metrology in everyday life and its role in fostering sustainability. The students will participate with posters, short articles, and videos, showcasing their understanding and creative ideas on the subject.


"Role of Legal Metrology in the Environment for a Sustainable Tomorrow"

- Speaker: Eng. Chioma Obianuju Obi, Weights and Measures Department, Nigeria - "Ensuring Air Quality: Measurements for a Sustainable Future".

- Speaker: Dr. Tamador Salih Saeed, Founder of Metrology for All platform.

Join us in these activities as we celebrate the indispensable role of measurements in creating a sustainable tomorrow. Together, we can ensure that the benefits of accurate measurements extend to all, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Also, Metrology for All will participate in the IX Colloquium of Metrology organized by Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Queretaro Mexico.

We have received a kind invitation from this university to participate as a keynote speaker. The university offers a program in Industrial Metrology Engineering and hosts a yearly colloquium focused on encouraging students to explore the different applications of metrology based on the theme set by BIPM. The opening keynote speech will be delivered online via Zoom on May 31st, guiding and inspiring students in the field of industrial metrology.

Bureau of Metrology logo

Bureau of Metrology

Posted: 2024-07-29 @ 11:15 UTC+2

World Metrology Day in Montenegro

On May 17 2024 the Bureau of Metrology celebrated World Metrology Day by welcoming students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics to visit the national calibration laboratories.

During the event, the students learned about the concept of metrology as a science, its branches, and the Bureau's activities. They also had the opportunity to explore national calibration laboratories for mass, length, temperature, pressure, volume, ionizing radiation, as well as time and frequency measurements. Additionally, they were presented with information about the Electric Power Laboratory's work.

The event aimed to introduce students to the possibilities of a career in metrology and to encourage their participation in metrology as a specific scientific field.

Promotional material, including the World Metrology Day poster, was distributed to primary and secondary schools in Montenegro, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro, the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Region Development, and the University of Montenegro.

Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment logo

Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment

Posted: 2024-05-13 @ 13:45 UTC+2

Activities planned by the Weights and Measures Department, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Nigeria to commemorate the 2024 World Metrology Day on 20th May, 2024

  1. Presentation of speeches by the Honourable Minister, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Permanent Secretary and other officials that may want to support the event;
  2. Tour of the legal metrology laboratory of the Department; and
  3. Exhibition of measurement standards and artifacts.
  4. Workshop

The events marking the 2024 World Metrology Day will be widely publicized in the print and electronic media.



Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 10:30 UTC+2

Peru celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

- IX Week of Metrology in Peru
- XV Symposium of Metrology in Peru (Onine)

On May 20, World Metrology Day is celebrated in commemoration of the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875. Peru was one of the 18 founding states. This treaty provided the basis for a unified and consistent measurement system throughout the world.

As part of the commemorative activities, each year INACAL's Metrology Directorate holds the Metrology Symposium in Peru, and this year its XV edition (online) will feature national and international exhibitors.

This Symposium is aimed at experts, professionals and technicians of calibration and testing laboratories, industrial companies, professors and students of engineering and science universities interested in learning about the recent advances in metrology worldwide, and their applications in measurements of various physical and chemical quantities used in various fields of technology, industry, science, among others.

PLACE: Virtual
DATES: Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May 2024
SCHEDULE: From 10:00 to 17:20
COST: Free

See the information (in Spanish) at the following INACAL web site link: https://www.inacal.gob.pe/metrologia/categoria/eventos

The Directorate of Metrology, as part of the celebrations for World Metrology Day, organizes the IX Metrology Week (Virtual), an event that seeks to complement the already classic annual Symposium of Metrology with conferences and free trainings, looking for metrologists, industry, technicians students and society in general, know more about Metrology, the science of measurements and their applications and how it is being developed in the Directorate of Metrology of INACAL.

IX Metrology Week includes:

Monday, May 20, 2024
Virtual guided tour:

  • guided visit to the laboratories of the Directorate of Metrology.

SCHEDULE: From 09:20 to 12:00 and 12:00 to 17:00

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

  • General and specific requirements for the protection of metrological properties of electricity meters controlled by software (firmware).

SCHEDULE: From 10:00 to 11:00

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

  • Calibration of non-automatic weighing instruments mounted on a vehicle.

Schedule: From 10:00 to 11:00
Cost: Free entry after registration here

See the information (in Spanish) at the following INACAL web site link: https://www.inacal.gob.pe/metrologia/categoria/eventos

Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) logo

Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS)

Posted: 2024-05-24 @ 11:20 UTC+2

Saint Lucia observes World Metrology Day 2024

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) joins the rest of the scientific community in observing World Metrology Day every year on the 20th May. The theme in 2024 is “Sustainability”. Our focus for World Metrology Day this year is therefore on the numerous measurement opportunities that contribute to the establishment of a sustainable global economy and environment.

In commemoration of this event the SLBS conducted a tour of the Metrology Laboratory and diagnostic laboratories at the National Agricultural Diagnostic Facility (NADF) at Union on Friday 17th May 2024.

This year also marks a new chapter in the promotion of World Metrology Day following the Resolution adopted by the 42nd Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 2023 to grant official recognition by UNESCO to its celebration on 20th May each year. This will provide new opportunities to promote metrology, and aligns with UNESCO’s mission to construct a better world through science and education. Given this official recognition by UNESCO, the Saint Lucia National Commission for UNESCO was included in the touring delegation to the NADF.

For further information call Mr. Marciano Busby (Head of Communication) at 453-0049.



Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:45 UTC+2

METROCILAB: Laboratoire de Métrologie de Contrôle et Inspection

METROCILAB, startup sénégalaise dans le domaine de la métrologie organise un webinaire avec des jeunes experts métrologues dont l’objectif est de contribuer à la sensibilisation sur le thème de la journée mondiale portant sur la durabilité. Les cibles sont les professionnelles, les étudiants, les ONG, et toute personne intéressée.

Eu regard de l’étendue du thème, nous avons choisir trois thématiques :

Thème 1 : Rôle de la métrologie pour l’atteinte des ODD
Thème 2 : La métrologie, pilier d’une économie durable
Thème 3 : Normes et durabilité

Ces sous-thématiques permettront d’orienter la cible vers divers horizons de compréhension et d’application de la métrologie.

Date du Webinaire :  Samedi 18 Mai 2024
Heure : 10H (heure du Sénégal)
Lieu : Google Meet
Lien d’inscription : Cliquer ici

Coordonnées METROCILAB : Laboratoire de Métrologie de Contrôle et Inspection

Tel : +2217782649
Email : contact@metrocilab.com
Site web : www.metrocilab.com
Adresse : Parcelles assainies Unité 8, Villa 137- Dakar -N.I.N.E. A : 0100259812R2 –RC : SN-DKR-2023-B-3926


National Metrology Centre (NMC) logo

National Metrology Centre (NMC)

Posted: 2024-04-05 @ 11:11 UTC+1

World Metrology Day 2024 in Singapore

In commemoration of World Metrology Day 2024, A*STAR's National Metrology Centre (NMC), the national measurement institute of Singapore, and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), a designated institute for chemical metrology in Singapore, are holding a conference on 14 May 2024.

Join us as we dive into discussions, along with talks and exhibitions on the importance of precise measurements in addressing environmental challenges and fostering sustainable practices. The conference will provide opportunities for researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and policymakers to network, engage in discussions, learn about cutting-edge initiatives, and explore innovative solutions.

Save the date and find out more here: https://www.a-star.edu.sg/nmc/wmd2024

National Metrology Institute of Sweden (RISE) logo

National Metrology Institute of Sweden (RISE)

Posted: 2024-04-11 @ 12:52 UTC+2

World Metrology Day 2024 in Sweden

RISE, the National Metrology Institute of Sweden, will celebrate World Metrology Day with a free lunch webinar on 20 May 2024. Learn more about carbon dioxide measurements, metrological research on climate change, and how energy gases such as hydrogen can contribute to a sustainable future, and the metrology needed for it.

Please note that the webinar will be held in Swedish.

Detailed information and registration (in Swedish).

National Institute of Metrology logo

National Institute of Metrology

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 14:15 UTC+2

>World Metrology Day 2024: We Measure Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow

The National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) or NIMT is celebrating a dual occasion: World Metrology Day and NIMT's 26th anniversary! The event, held on May 20th, 2024 at IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center in Thailand, carries the theme "We Measure Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow."

The focus is on raising public awareness about the crucial role of metrology. Metrology, the science of measurement, is a cornerstone of the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI). A strong NQI is essential for sustainable national development, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements in various sectors.

The event aims to promote collaboration among key players in Thailand's quality infrastructure network. This includes areas like electric vehicles, food safety, herbal products, digital technologies, and rail systems. By working together, we can create a more systematic and integrated approach to quality, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

Please visit our website for more information.

TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (UME) logo

TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (UME)

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 16:25 UTC+2

Türkiye celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

In celebration of World Metrology Day 2024, “The Past, Present and Future of the Mass Metrology Workshop" will be hosted by TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (UME) of Türkiye on May 20th, 2024.

The workshop welcomes both online and in-person participations from national stakeholders, weight/weighing instrument manufacturers and academicians in Türkiye. The purpose of the workshop is the exchange of knowledge, experience and essentials on the general aspects of the realization and dissemination of the SI mass unit “Kilogram” and discussing the (future) needs and road map for traceable mass measurements in this rapidly evolving digital era.

OPSS logo

United Kingdom

Posted: 2024-05-20 @ 19:15 UTC+2

Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is the UK’s national product regulator, within the Department for Business and Trade (DBT).

OPSS supports the transition towards more sustainable practices through its assurance of accurate measurements for use for trade (see here), and by developing the necessary metrological tools through its international legal metrology networks (see here).

LATU logo


Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 17:00 UTC+2

Uruguay celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

To celebrate World Metrology Day, LATU organized an event to which it invited its main clients as well as a number of government organizations. The current challenges of metrology to contribute to a sustainable tomorrow were presented.

The topics presented were traceability in the control of vehicle emissions, power and energy, green hydrogen and watercourse remediation.

The following links contain an account and photos of the event, which took place on Monday, 20 May 2024:




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General Directorate of Metrology (DPM) logo

General Directorate of Metrology (DPM)

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 13:20 UTC+2

Albania Commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

In celebration of World Metrology Day 2024 in Albania, the General Directorate of Metrology (DPM) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) are pleased to announce two enlightening workshops to be held in Korça and Tirana. These workshops are designed to educate stakeholders from various sectors, including public, private, and academic, as well as SMEs and testing laboratories, about the profound importance of metrology in the context of sustainable agriculture and trade.

Our main objective is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application by showcasing how metrology underpins sustainability in agriculture and trade. Through interactive presentations and workshops, we will illustrate how precise measurements support every stage of agricultural production, from cultivation to distribution, ensuring adherence to quality and safety standards crucial for sustainable development and trade practices.

By highlighting the nexus between metrology, sustainability, and trade, our aim is to empower stakeholders with the requisite knowledge and tools to promote environmentally conscious practices and contribute to a more sustainable agricultural sector in Albania.

Following the workshop in Tirana, attendees will have the opportunity to visit the state-of-the-art laboratories at DPM, further enhancing their understanding of metrology's role in agricultural innovation, sustainability, and trade.

Detailed information can be found here.

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Azerbaijan Metrology Institute logo

Azerbaijan Metrology Institute

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:40 UTC+2

Celebration of World Metrology Day 2024 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Every year World Metrology Day is celebrated in the Republic of Azerbaijan. “The Azerbaijan Metrology Institute” public legal entity will organize a National Metrology Forum on 20 May 2024 in Baku for the declaration of the benefits of this year’s dedicated topic “We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow”. The main goals of the forum are to inform about ensuring uniformity of measurements, demonstrating the current status of measurements, and the importance of metrological assurance for the business in the country.

Guests from the public and private sectors, representatives from higher education institutions and universities, the head of TÜBİTAK UME, as well as experts from the Azerbaijan Institute of Metrology, will deliver speeches about the role of metrology in sustainable economic and industrial development.

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General Directorate of Metrology (DPM) logo

General Directorate of Metrology (DPM)

Posted: 2024-05-22 @ 10:10 UTC+2

Bahrain National Metrology Laboratory celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Bahrain Testing and Metrology Directorate (BTMD) in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce celebrated World Metrology Day on 20th May, 2024 under the slogan "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow".

BTMD works to support the national sustainability plans and the achievements show that (see here). The celebration was held on the radio to convey the contributions of metrology to achieving the sustainable development goals (see here).

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 Institute of Metrology IMBIH logo

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute of Metrology IMBIH

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 11:10 UTC+2

Bosnia and Herzegovina: IMBIH organizes training on 20 May 2024 on the topic: Estimation of measurement uncertainty

The Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBIH), on the occasion of the celebration of the World Metrology Day, organizes training on the topic: Estimation of measurement uncertainty with the aim of transferring knowledge and metrology expertise, which has been confirmed through the published calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC) of the IMBIH laboratories in the BIPM KCDB (Key Comparisons Database in the International Bureau of Weights and Measures) and through participation in numerous scientific research projects within the EURAMET organization: EMRP (European Metrology Research Program), EMPIR (European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research) and EPM (European Metrology Partnership).

The topic of World Metrology Day 2024, which is celebrated on May 20, is: "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow", and we can use the symbolism and say with certainty "We transfer knowledge for a sustainable tomorrow".

Professional training contributes to the understanding of the importance and application of metrology, as well as the transfer of knowledge about metrology concepts, units and analysis of the measurement results.

For the upcoming period, IMBIH will organize a series of trainings with the objective of transferring the latest knowledge in metrology to the academic and industrial community, as well as specific professional training/consultation services aimed at developing the industry.
The goal of organizing trainings is to improve the metrology system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the area of legal, scientific and industrial metrology, to improve the field of calibration, verification, validation of test methods, data processing and estimation of measurement uncertainty of test results, application of the requirements of the BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for testing and calibration laboratories and the BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard for inspection bodies that perform the verification of measuring instruments in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Venue: Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Branilaca Sarajeva 25, Sarajevo
Date: May 20, 2024
Event time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

You can download the Training Agenda: Estimation of measurement uncertainty here.

It is necessary to fill out the Application Form and send it by email to: info[at]met.gov.ba or via fax: 033 568 909, by May 10, 2024.

After this deadline, you will be informed that your application has been accepted for the training on May 20, 2024 and a proforma invoice for the payment for the participation will be sent to your address.

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Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:55 UTC+2

Brazil celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

In Brazil, World Metrology Day will be celebrated at Inmetro, the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology.

Two events will take place at the Inmetro Campus and will commemorate World Metrology Day on 20 May and 28 May 2024, with panel discussions and presentations focused on the role of metrology in sustainability. The participants will promote a debate covering topics such as metrology, decarbonization, renewable energy, low emission hydrogen, and greenhouse effect.

These events will be held in Portuguese. The live broadcast will take place on the Inmetro YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/live/dKOkGSumooM

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 Institute of Metrology IMBIH logo

Institute of Metrology IMBIH

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 11:15 UTC+2

Bulgaria celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

To celebrate this year's event, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology (BIM), the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance (SAMTS) and the Union of Metrologists in Bulgaria (UMB) under the Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions will organize an OPEN DAY.

BIM, UMB and DAMTN will invite representatives of all interested parties - the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization, calibration and/or testing laboratories, the Technical University of Sofia, the Bulgarian Accreditation Service, as well as former colleagues engaged in metrology activities, manufacturers of measuring instruments, etc.

During the event, the invitees will have the opportunity to visit the national standard laboratories, as well as the laboratories for testing, verification and metrological expertise of measuring instruments.

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European Association of National Metrology Institutes logo

European Association of National Metrology Institutes

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 14:20 UTC+2

EURAMET and World Metrology Day 2024

To mark this year’s World Metrology Day theme – Sustainability – the European Association of National Metrology Institutes highlights past and recent achievements in various sustainability-relevant areas.

Notably, EURAMET supports the transition towards more sustainable practices by developing the necessary metrological tools through its Technical Committees, European Metrology Networks, and research programs, including the Metrology Partnership.

From environmental monitoring to renewable energies and green building, the European metrology community has conducted extensive research to address challenges in these and related fields on the path to a sustainable present and future.

Through accurate measurements and innovative solutions, EURAMET is advancing scientific and technological progress, contributing to both regional and global sustainability goals.

Explore the EURAMET sustainability theme pages here: World Metrology Day 2024 (euramet.org)


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GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) and GULFMet logo

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) and GULFMet

Posted: 2024-05-24 @ 17:15 UTC+2

GCC commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

The GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) and GULFMet organized the Second Symposium for standardization ambassadors under the title The Role of Standardization in Consumer Safety in Riyadh on 20 May, 2024.

The organization of the Symposium coincided with the annual celebration of World Metrology Day, which falls on 20 May each year, and this year it came under the slogan “We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow.”

The symposium activities included a lecture entitled The Role of Standardization in Consumer Safety presented by Dr. Zaki Al-Rubai, Head of Marketing and International Relations Section, in addition to a lecture entitled The Importance of Standards in Our Daily Lives presented by Eng. Abdulelah Al-Qarnas, head of the Metrology Section.

On the sidelines of the Symposium, a celebration was held to celebrate World Metrology Day 2024, for all participants in the event and GSO team members.

The symposium aimed to contribute to spreading the culture of standardization and increasing awareness of its importance, in addition to contributing to building cognitive capabilities in various fields of standardization, as well as enhancing communication with standardization ambassadors in order to achieve the desired goals.

It is worth noting that the GSO launched the Standardization Ambassadors initiative in March 2022, which is a voluntary initiative aimed at activating community participation in standardization activities, conveying the GSO’s message and spreading the culture of standardization importance, as well as contributing to disseminating the GSO’s awareness programs, in addition to building the Knowledge and capabilities of initiative’ members in the field of standardization.

Click here for photos.

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National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) logo

National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN)

Posted: 2024-03-19 @ 08:50 UTC+1

Indonesia celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Welcoming the commemoration of World Metrology Day in 2024, the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN), as the National Metrology Institution of Indonesia, is preparing a series of activities related to WMD. BSN is planning to organize the event in collaboration with the Directorate of Metrology of the Ministry of Trade (Ditmet Kemendag), which is responsible for legal metrology activities in Indonesia.

A National Seminar will be held on May 20, 2024, under the theme "Strengthening Metrology Infrastructure to Accelerate Inclusive and Sustainable Economic and Environmental Transformation." During this event, BSN will discuss the role of quality infrastructure, consisting of standardization, conformity assessment, and metrology, in supporting sustainable living. Ditmet Kemendag will present how legal metrology contributes to inclusive, environmentally conscious, and sustainable trade. This event will also be supported by the National Standardization and Industrial Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, which will discuss the role of metrology in supporting green industries.

Moreover, BSN and Ditmet Kemendag are organizing a competition for the design of measuring instruments to be attended by secondary school students (high school/vocational high school/Madrasah Aaliyah). This competition aims to raise awareness of the importance of metrology from an early age. Because we believe that to design a sustainable future, we need to involve the younger generation who will eventually become our successors.

Lastly, a call for papers was also held to provide an opportunity for all practitioners in the field of metrology to write scientific articles within the scope of metrology. The best papers will be published in the BSN instrumentation journal.


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INRiM logo


Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 09:05 UTC+2

INRiM celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Monday May 20 is World Metrology Day.

For the occasion, on May 20 at 09:00 am CEST, INRiM, in its role as the National Metrology Institute of Italy, is organizing the conference "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" with the aim of presenting the contribution of metrology in support of agrifood, environmental and climate sustainability. Institution, researchers and sector experts will participate during the conference, presenting the following talks:

  • How metrology can support climate and ocean observation;
  • Greenhouse gas reduction and monitoring: metrology in countering anthropogenic climate change;
  • Analytical chemistry for a sustainable future;
  • Metrology for food safety and sustainability.
For further information: Please click here.


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Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) logo

Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ)

Posted: 2024-05-28 @ 07:00 UTC+2

Students Explore BSJ's world class laboratories on World Metrology Day

In an activity highlighting the importance of precision measurement to sustainable measurement, the Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) hosted a dynamic educational event on Monday 20 May 2024, in observance of World Metrology Day. The theme for this year’s celebration, “We Measure Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow,” underscored the vital role of metrology in ensuring sustainable progress and innovation.

Select Grade 9 and 10 students from six high schools were given the opportunity to tour state-of-the-art metrology laboratories at the BSJ. The tour provided the students with an in-depth look at the critical work done in Mass Metrology, Flow & Volume, Force & Pressure, and Dimensional Metrology Laboratories, as well as Temperature Metrology, Electricity and Time & Frequency Laboratories.

During their visit, the students expressed their sincere appreciation for the detailed and informative tours. They gained firsthand insights into the precision and accuracy required in metrology work, which is essential for ensuring quality and consistency in manufacturing, healthcare, environmental monitoring, and various other sectors.

The activity also included interactive sessions where students engaged with BSJ engineers and other staff members. These interactions provided valuable information on career opportunities in metrology and the qualifications needed to pursue such paths. Students were eager to learn about the various roles within the field and the significant impact these positions have on innovation and sustainability.

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Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology logo

Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology

Posted: 2024-05-20 @ 09:15 UTC+2

International Online Conference in Kazakhstan: Metrology in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

20 May 2024 –14.00 – Astana, Kazakhstan

In honor of the celebration of World Metrology Day, an International Online Conference on the topic of Metrology will be held. The event is organized by the Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology.

The theme of the conference relates to metrology in the UN Sustainable Development Goals - the role of applied metrology in the implementation of the SDGs; approaches to sustainable development; examples of the implementation of a number of SDGs.

The objective of the conference is to discuss topical issues for the SDGs, as well as the contribution of metrology to the achievement of the UN SDGs.

Heads and representatives of international, regional and national organizations on standardization and metrology, Kazakhstan and foreign scientists, teachers of scientific institutions in the field of metrology are invited to participate.

Download the program

We invite all interested persons and organizations to join us and to participate in this year's event via Zoom: Click here.

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Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) logo

Korea (Rep.)
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)

Posted: 2024-05-14 @ 20:45 UTC+2

Korea Commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science is hosting an event on Monday, May 20, 2024, to celebrate World Metrology Day.

The theme for this year is "We measure today for a Sustainable tomorrow."

Guests are invited to attend the event from 10:30 to 12:00 (GMT+9) at KRISS in Daejeon, Korea.

This event includes an introduction to our activities related to measurement for sustainability and an invited talk on monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and predicting future climates.

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Metrology For All logo

Metrology For All
Metrology For All

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 11:30 UTC+2

MFA Activities for World Metrology Day on Wednesday 22 May 2024

To celebrate World Metrology Day 2024, we have planned several exciting activities that highlight the importance of accurate measurements in building a sustainable future. Here are the key events:

Interactive Session with Students at Olives Center, Mombasa, Kenya

We are excited to host an interactive session with students at the Olives Center in Mombasa, Kenya. This session aims to engage young minds and educate them about the significance of metrology in everyday life and its role in fostering sustainability. The students will participate with posters, short articles, and videos, showcasing their understanding and creative ideas on the subject.


"Role of Legal Metrology in the Environment for a Sustainable Tomorrow"

- Speaker: Eng. Chioma Obianuju Obi, Weights and Measures Department, Nigeria - "Ensuring Air Quality: Measurements for a Sustainable Future".

- Speaker: Dr. Tamador Salih Saeed, Founder of Metrology for All platform.

Join us in these activities as we celebrate the indispensable role of measurements in creating a sustainable tomorrow. Together, we can ensure that the benefits of accurate measurements extend to all, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Also, Metrology for All will participate in the IX Colloquium of Metrology organized by Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui, Queretaro Mexico.

We have received a kind invitation from this university to participate as a keynote speaker. The university offers a program in Industrial Metrology Engineering and hosts a yearly colloquium focused on encouraging students to explore the different applications of metrology based on the theme set by BIPM. The opening keynote speech will be delivered online via Zoom on May 31st, guiding and inspiring students in the field of industrial metrology.

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Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology (MASM) logo

Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology (MASM)

Posted: 2024-05-24 @ 11:20 UTC+2

Mongolia celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

The Mongolian Agency for Standard and Metrology (MASM) organized a workshop under the theme "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" on Monday, 20 May 2024. This workshop discussed the topics of sustainability and metrology, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution and building heat loss, energy role in sustainability, and measurement of distance meters and LPG. MASM invited all interested participants – Deputy Prime Minister’s office, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia, the Ministry of Energy, the Mongolian Academy of Science, entities and organizations engaged in metrology services.

Branch offices in 21 provinces of MASM organized an open day in the region to disseminate and promote metrology knowledge to users, provide advice and information, introduce the activities of the laboratories, and conduct an event to study experience between entities engaged in metrology activities.

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Bureau of Metrology logo

Bureau of Metrology

Posted: 2024-07-29 @ 11:15 UTC+2

World Metrology Day in Montenegro

On May 17 2024 the Bureau of Metrology celebrated World Metrology Day by welcoming students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Science and Mathematics to visit the national calibration laboratories.

During the event, the students learned about the concept of metrology as a science, its branches, and the Bureau's activities. They also had the opportunity to explore national calibration laboratories for mass, length, temperature, pressure, volume, ionizing radiation, as well as time and frequency measurements. Additionally, they were presented with information about the Electric Power Laboratory's work.

The event aimed to introduce students to the possibilities of a career in metrology and to encourage their participation in metrology as a specific scientific field.

Promotional material, including the World Metrology Day poster, was distributed to primary and secondary schools in Montenegro, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro, the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Region Development, and the University of Montenegro.

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Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL) logo

New Zealand
Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL)

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 14:40 UTC+2

New Zealand celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

The Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL) is hosting a hybrid event on Friday 24 May 2024 to celebrate World Metrology Day.

This year, the theme is Sustainability the numerous measurement opportunities that contribute to the establishment of a sustainable global economy. Guests are invited to attend the event at MSL's laboratories in Wellington, New Zealand. Alternatively, guests can attend the morning sessions online.

More information about the event and registration page can be found on the MSL website here, including an interesting infographic on 'Measurement in Daily Life' produced by MSL (New Zealand).  


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Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment logo

Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment

Posted: 2024-05-13 @ 13:45 UTC+2

Activities planned by the Weights and Measures Department, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Nigeria to commemorate the 2024 World Metrology Day on 20th May, 2024

  1. Presentation of speeches by the Honourable Minister, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Permanent Secretary and other officials that may want to support the event;
  2. Tour of the legal metrology laboratory of the Department; and
  3. Exhibition of measurement standards and artifacts.
  4. Workshop

The events marking the 2024 World Metrology Day will be widely publicized in the print and electronic media.

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Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 09:15 UTC+2

Panama celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

Two events are being organized in Panama to commemorate WMD 2024 - more information can be found here.

We will have a two-day OPEN HOUSE, where we expect to have close to 200 visitors from Academia, Government, and Industry at the NMI, on May 20 and 21.

There will also be a Morning Forum on May 22 (Online via YouTube and 150 people seated) where we will have six presentations on Metrology and Sustainability, in which we will focus on three main areas: the environment, energy, and water sustainability.

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Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 10:30 UTC+2

Peru celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

- IX Week of Metrology in Peru
- XV Symposium of Metrology in Peru (Onine)

On May 20, World Metrology Day is celebrated in commemoration of the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875. Peru was one of the 18 founding states. This treaty provided the basis for a unified and consistent measurement system throughout the world.

As part of the commemorative activities, each year INACAL's Metrology Directorate holds the Metrology Symposium in Peru, and this year its XV edition (online) will feature national and international exhibitors.

This Symposium is aimed at experts, professionals and technicians of calibration and testing laboratories, industrial companies, professors and students of engineering and science universities interested in learning about the recent advances in metrology worldwide, and their applications in measurements of various physical and chemical quantities used in various fields of technology, industry, science, among others.

PLACE: Virtual
DATES: Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May 2024
SCHEDULE: From 10:00 to 17:20
COST: Free

See the information (in Spanish) at the following INACAL web site link: https://www.inacal.gob.pe/metrologia/categoria/eventos

The Directorate of Metrology, as part of the celebrations for World Metrology Day, organizes the IX Metrology Week (Virtual), an event that seeks to complement the already classic annual Symposium of Metrology with conferences and free trainings, looking for metrologists, industry, technicians students and society in general, know more about Metrology, the science of measurements and their applications and how it is being developed in the Directorate of Metrology of INACAL.

IX Metrology Week includes:

Monday, May 20, 2024
Virtual guided tour:

  • guided visit to the laboratories of the Directorate of Metrology.

SCHEDULE: From 09:20 to 12:00 and 12:00 to 17:00

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

  • General and specific requirements for the protection of metrological properties of electricity meters controlled by software (firmware).

SCHEDULE: From 10:00 to 11:00

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

  • Calibration of non-automatic weighing instruments mounted on a vehicle.

Schedule: From 10:00 to 11:00
Cost: Free entry after registration here

See the information (in Spanish) at the following INACAL web site link: https://www.inacal.gob.pe/metrologia/categoria/eventos

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Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology logo

Russian Federation
Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 14:40 UTC+2

World Metrology Day 2024 in the Russian Federation

To mark the proclaimed by UNESCO May 20th as the World Metrology Day the metrology community of the Russian Federation led by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart) in collaboration with the NMIs is going to organize a series of events on May 18-20, 2024, which are going to be held at the frequently visited and favourite place of Muscovites and guests of the capital ‒ the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements (VDNKh). Dedicated to the theme of sustainability the WMD-2024 encourages to highlight metrology’s value for quality of people’s lives. Among the planned measures are public lectures and discussions on the requirements for water meters for measuring cold and potable water, quality control of petrol (gasoline), and others. Since these issues concern, and are of interest for, the most part of society, these discussions may have a kind of training or educational importance. Today artificial intelligence is no doubt a burning issue. AI is in the focus of another WMD-event named “How to build trust in artificial intelligence”. For a dynamic and inquisitive audience ‒ young people ‒ the Rosstandart is offering a Quest named “Young metrologist”.

Besides, the Rosstandart management is going to hold a one-day roundtable, inviting metrologists from the regions, to share and discuss the directions and priority tasks of metrology development in the country.

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Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) logo

Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS)

Posted: 2024-05-24 @ 11:20 UTC+2

Saint Lucia observes World Metrology Day 2024

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) joins the rest of the scientific community in observing World Metrology Day every year on the 20th May. The theme in 2024 is “Sustainability”. Our focus for World Metrology Day this year is therefore on the numerous measurement opportunities that contribute to the establishment of a sustainable global economy and environment.

In commemoration of this event the SLBS conducted a tour of the Metrology Laboratory and diagnostic laboratories at the National Agricultural Diagnostic Facility (NADF) at Union on Friday 17th May 2024.

This year also marks a new chapter in the promotion of World Metrology Day following the Resolution adopted by the 42nd Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 2023 to grant official recognition by UNESCO to its celebration on 20th May each year. This will provide new opportunities to promote metrology, and aligns with UNESCO’s mission to construct a better world through science and education. Given this official recognition by UNESCO, the Saint Lucia National Commission for UNESCO was included in the touring delegation to the NADF.

For further information call Mr. Marciano Busby (Head of Communication) at 453-0049.

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SASO logo

Saudi Arabia

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 09:55 UTC+2

SASO celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

SASO will organize a major celebration of World Metrology Day 2024 on Monday, 20 May 2024.

The ceremony will take place under the patronship of His Excellency the Minister of Commerce and Chairman of the SASO Board of Directors, and in partnership with a number of governmental and private organizations.

There will be four virtual workshops that will be held on Sunday, 19 May 2024 as part of the celebration, and two other physical events held in Dammam and Jeddah Headquarters of SASO on 21 May 2024.

Venue: The celebration will be held in the SASO main building (main ceremonies hall).

Time: Monday, 20 May 2024, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Theme (main event on 20 May): Two sessions plus an exhibition.

Link to the live event: Click here.

For further information, please refer to this PDF file.

To register, please click here.

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Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:45 UTC+2

METROCILAB: Laboratoire de Métrologie de Contrôle et Inspection

METROCILAB, startup sénégalaise dans le domaine de la métrologie organise un webinaire avec des jeunes experts métrologues dont l’objectif est de contribuer à la sensibilisation sur le thème de la journée mondiale portant sur la durabilité. Les cibles sont les professionnelles, les étudiants, les ONG, et toute personne intéressée.

Eu regard de l’étendue du thème, nous avons choisir trois thématiques :

Thème 1 : Rôle de la métrologie pour l’atteinte des ODD
Thème 2 : La métrologie, pilier d’une économie durable
Thème 3 : Normes et durabilité

Ces sous-thématiques permettront d’orienter la cible vers divers horizons de compréhension et d’application de la métrologie.

Date du Webinaire :  Samedi 18 Mai 2024
Heure : 10H (heure du Sénégal)
Lieu : Google Meet
Lien d’inscription : Cliquer ici

Coordonnées METROCILAB : Laboratoire de Métrologie de Contrôle et Inspection

Tel : +2217782649
Email : contact@metrocilab.com
Site web : www.metrocilab.com
Adresse : Parcelles assainies Unité 8, Villa 137- Dakar -N.I.N.E. A : 0100259812R2 –RC : SN-DKR-2023-B-3926


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Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals logo

Serbia, Republic of
Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals

Posted: 2024-06-17 @ 10:05 UTC+2

Republic of Serbia Commemorates World Metrology Day 2024

The National Metrology Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Directorate for Measurements and Precious Metals (DMDM), celebrated World Metrology Day in the most beautiful oasis of the city of Belgrade, the Botanical Garden "Jevremovac", on Monday, 20 May 2024.

Cedomir Belic, Director of DMDM, opened the meeting by greeting the attendees and pointing out that this year is particularly significant. During the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, the annual observance of May 20 as World Metrology Day was officially recognized. This recognition opens up new approaches for the promotion of metrology, aligning with UNESCO’s mission to build a better world through science and education.

The panel discussion on the topic "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" was introduced by the moderator Marina Radojevic, quality management representative at DMDM. The panelists were PhD Vladimir Djurdjevic - Faculty of Physics, PhD Ana Vukovic Vimic - Faculty of Agriculture, PhD Tomica Misljenovic - Faculty of Biology and PhD  Dusan Matijasevic, metrologist in the Group for Electrical Measurements in DMDM.

Participants in the panel discussion emphasized the importance of metrology in the 21st century, considering all the challenges that await us due to climate changes. Some of these challenges include global warming, the occurrence of extreme weather events, as well as the impact of air pollution. The focus is on the development and application of clean energy sources in the future.

After the panel discussion, a cocktail party was organised for all guests in the pleasant surroundings of the Botanical Garden with musical performances by the string quartet in the background.  A guided tour of the Botanical Garden was also arranged for the guests.

As part of World Metrology Day, DMDM ​​hosted students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Belgrade. Students were introduced to the importance of metrology, as a science of measurements. Measurements are  present in all areas of human activity. The main role of metrology is to ensure the metrological traceability at the international level and to point out the long tradition of metrology in Serbia.>
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National Metrology Centre (NMC) logo

National Metrology Centre (NMC)

Posted: 2024-04-05 @ 11:11 UTC+1

World Metrology Day 2024 in Singapore

In commemoration of World Metrology Day 2024, A*STAR's National Metrology Centre (NMC), the national measurement institute of Singapore, and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), a designated institute for chemical metrology in Singapore, are holding a conference on 14 May 2024.

Join us as we dive into discussions, along with talks and exhibitions on the importance of precise measurements in addressing environmental challenges and fostering sustainable practices. The conference will provide opportunities for researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and policymakers to network, engage in discussions, learn about cutting-edge initiatives, and explore innovative solutions.

Save the date and find out more here: https://www.a-star.edu.sg/nmc/wmd2024

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Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM) logo

Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM)

Posted: 2024-03-21 @ 09:20 UTC+1

Spain celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

To celebrate World Metrology Day 2024, the Centro Español de Metrologia (CEM) is organizing a hybrid workshop (in Spanish) focusing on metrology and sustainability.

Various aspects will be presented related to sustainability, in which metrology plays an important role concerning for example the environment or food. In addition, the importance of standardized and traceable measurements will be considered in ensuring the credibility of information on sustainability.

After the workshop there will be the possibility to visit some of the CEM laboratories and the museum where a pre-metric collection of Spanish weights and measures is on display.

Detailed information can be found here.

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National Metrology Institute of Sweden (RISE) logo

National Metrology Institute of Sweden (RISE)

Posted: 2024-04-11 @ 12:52 UTC+2

World Metrology Day 2024 in Sweden

RISE, the National Metrology Institute of Sweden, will celebrate World Metrology Day with a free lunch webinar on 20 May 2024. Learn more about carbon dioxide measurements, metrological research on climate change, and how energy gases such as hydrogen can contribute to a sustainable future, and the metrology needed for it.

Please note that the webinar will be held in Swedish.

Detailed information and registration (in Swedish).

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Mettler-Toledo logo


Posted: 2024-04-24 @ 11:25 UTC+2

Online Event: World Metrology Day Live Webinars and Trainings

At Mettler-Toledo we are holding a two-day online event on 21-22nd May, with training sessions, keynote speeches and a roundtable discussion, in celebration of World Metrology Day.

The link for registration for the event is Metrology Day 2024 | Free Live Webinars and Trainings | Register Now! (mt.com).

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National Institute of Metrology logo

National Institute of Metrology

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 14:15 UTC+2

>World Metrology Day 2024: We Measure Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow

The National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) or NIMT is celebrating a dual occasion: World Metrology Day and NIMT's 26th anniversary! The event, held on May 20th, 2024 at IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center in Thailand, carries the theme "We Measure Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow."

The focus is on raising public awareness about the crucial role of metrology. Metrology, the science of measurement, is a cornerstone of the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI). A strong NQI is essential for sustainable national development, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements in various sectors.

The event aims to promote collaboration among key players in Thailand's quality infrastructure network. This includes areas like electric vehicles, food safety, herbal products, digital technologies, and rail systems. By working together, we can create a more systematic and integrated approach to quality, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

Please visit our website for more information.

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Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) logo

Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS)

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 16:45 UTC+2

World Metrology Day in Trinidad and Tobago

In celebration of WMD, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) will host a face to face symposium celebrating this year’s theme We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow.

Representatives from government, private sector and consultants have already registered to attend this event. The symposium will feature special remarks from the Trinidad and Tobago UNESCO Office, the Minister of Trade, and will conclude with two panel discussions on aspects of the theme by industry and government.

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TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (UME) logo

TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (UME)

Posted: 2024-05-17 @ 16:25 UTC+2

Türkiye celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

In celebration of World Metrology Day 2024, “The Past, Present and Future of the Mass Metrology Workshop" will be hosted by TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (UME) of Türkiye on May 20th, 2024.

The workshop welcomes both online and in-person participations from national stakeholders, weight/weighing instrument manufacturers and academicians in Türkiye. The purpose of the workshop is the exchange of knowledge, experience and essentials on the general aspects of the realization and dissemination of the SI mass unit “Kilogram” and discussing the (future) needs and road map for traceable mass measurements in this rapidly evolving digital era.

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Middleeast Calibration Lab LLC logo

United Arab Emirates
Middleeast Calibration Lab LLC

Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 11:30 UTC+2

Middleeast Calibration Lab LLC - World Metrology Day 2024

Date: May 20, 2024
Event Duration: 4 hours

09:00 AM – 09:30 AM:
Welcome Address & Introduction to World Metrology Day and Theme Explanation
Presented by: Mr. Harikumar Nandakumar [Sales Head (Calibration& Metrology Product)]

Session 2:
9:30 AM – 10:20 AM
Metrology and Sustainable Development:
Role of Metrology in Sustainable Development
Case studies: How metrology has contributed to sustainable practices in various industries
Panel discussion: Challenges and opportunities in implementing metrology for sustainability
Presented by: Mr. Hari C Gopinathan(Quality Manager)

Session 3: 10:20 AM – 11:15 AM
Innovations in Measurement Technologies:
Emerging measurement technologies for sustainable solutions
Live demonstrations of innovative measurement instruments and tools
Presented by: Mr Rajeesh Kumar (Laboratory Manager)

Session 4: 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Metrology in practice: Industry perspectives:
Industry Spotlight: How leading companies are leveraging metrology for sustainability
Presented by: Mr Vijesh (Sr. Calibration Engineer)
Q&A Session: Employees & trainees interaction with metrology experts

Break (20 Minutes)

Session 4: 12:20 PM – 1:00 PM
Closing ceremony
Summary of key takeaways from the day
Recognition of speakers and contributors
Closing remarks and invitation to future events

Note: Each session includes time for audience engagement through Q&A sessions or interactive discussions.

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OPSS logo

United Kingdom

Posted: 2024-05-20 @ 19:15 UTC+2

Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is the UK’s national product regulator, within the Department for Business and Trade (DBT).

OPSS supports the transition towards more sustainable practices through its assurance of accurate measurements for use for trade (see here), and by developing the necessary metrological tools through its international legal metrology networks (see here).

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TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory logo

United Kingdom
TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory

Posted: 2024-05-04 @ 14:00 UTC+2

TÜV SÜD WMD Webinar - ‘Ask the Experts’

TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory is the UK’s Designated Institute for Flow Measurement, under contract from DSIT, and part of the UK’s National Measurement System. To celebrate World Metrology Day, TÜV SÜD is pleased to present this special webinar where attendees can ‘Ask the Experts’ about Fluid Flow Metrology.

Further information can be found here.

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LATU logo


Posted: 2024-05-18 @ 17:00 UTC+2

Uruguay celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

To celebrate World Metrology Day, LATU organized an event to which it invited its main clients as well as a number of government organizations. The current challenges of metrology to contribute to a sustainable tomorrow were presented.

The topics presented were traceability in the control of vehicle emissions, power and energy, green hydrogen and watercourse remediation.

The following links contain an account and photos of the event, which took place on Monday, 20 May 2024:




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Uzbek National Institute of Metrology logo

Uzbek National Institute of Metrology

Posted: 2024-03-12 @ 15:02 UTC+1

Uzbekistan celebrates World Metrology Day 2024

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2024, the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology (UzNIM) is planning a series of events.

Events dedicated to World Metrology Day are aimed to unite the UzNIM, its regional branches, scientific and educational organizations, production and private sectors in one platform.

It is planned to provide information on the role of metrology in quality control, to inform about the extended calibration and measurement capabilities of UzNIM, and the need to introduce digital technologies into metrological activities that improve processes and open new opportunities.

This year is a significant date for metrology in Uzbekistan - 100 years of metrological activity in Uzbekistan - in celebration of which the UzNIM plans to hold a conference inviting leading experts from international and regional metrological organizations and national metrological institutes.

For more information, please visit: www.nim.uz

O‘zbekistonda 2024-yil Butunjahon metrologiya kuni nishonlanadi

2024-yilgi Butunjahon metrologiya kuni munosabati bilan O‘zbekiston milliy metrologiya instituti (O‘zMMI) bir qator tadbirlar o‘tkazishni rejalashtirmoqda.

Ushbu tadbirlarda O‘zMMI, uning hududiy filiallari, fan va taʼlim tashkilotlari, ishlab chiqarish hamda xususiy sektorni bir davraga birlashtirish nazarda tutilmoqda.

Bunda, sifatni nazorat qilishda metrologiyaning o‘rni, O‘zMMI kengaytirilgan kalibrlash va o‘lchash imkoniyatlari, metrologiya faoliyatida jarayonlarni takomillashtirishga va yangi imkoniyatlarni ochishga imkon beruvchi raqamli texnoogiyalarni joriy etish zaruriyati toʻgʻrisida maʼlumot berish rejalashtirilgan.

Bu yil Oʻzbekiston metrologiyasi uchun muhim sana boʻlib – Oʻzbekistonda metrologiya faoliyatiga 100 yil t‘oldi, ushbu sana munosabati bilan OʻzMMI xalqaro va mintaqaviy metrologiya tashkilotlari hamda milliy metrologiya institutlarining yetakchi ekspertlarini taklif etgan holda konferensiya oʻtkazishni rejalashtirmoqda.

Qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlar olish uchun www.nim.uz ga kirishingiz mumkin.

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